• Black Box teater
  • Ušllu Álbmotgaskasaš Teáhterriemut
  • 8–11 March 2023
  • Biret & Gáddjá Haarla Pieski
  • Čalmmiid Čađa – Starting from Staring
  • Thursday 9, 17.00

Biret & Gáddjá Haarla Pieski
Čalmmiid Čađa – Starting from Staring
Njukčamánu 9.b. tii. 17.00
Black Box teater, Lille scene

Dán báikkis, dáin olbmuiguin, dán dilis, dáin návccaiguin, odne, dál:
čalbmat oaivvilda álgit oaidnit. Dát mátki
álgá geahččamis, beare geahččamis. Dasto oaidnimis ovdagáttuid ja čilgema haga,
siivui moai geahččaletne gulahallat gaskaneaset ja dainna báikkiin. Diktit dakkár dili leat doarvai.
Diktit dan johtit čađa čalmmiid, čoavjái čoliide,

Dát guoktá álggaheaba sániid cuvkemis. Sánit,
maide ii sáhte luohttit, mat eai doala deaivasa go orrot leamen dušše čáhppađa
vielgadis, soahpamuš mii lea jo álgo álggus gaikojuvvon. 

Joavdaba nubbi sadjái, álggaheaba ođđasit,
guoddiba muittuid vássánáiggis. De čiehkaba luottaideaskka, ealliba linis
dáistaleamis láhppon soahpamušain. Geahčastat, mii vánddarda birat birra, bajás
vulos, olggobeallai, siskobeallai, jorggobeallai. 
De fas vuolgiba, johtiba, máhccaba.


Konseapta ja ovdanbuktin: Biret Haarla Pieski, Gáddjá Haarla Pieski. Dramaturgalaš veahkki: Antoine Dupuy-Larbre. Jietna: Nicholas Francett. Vuöllie/luohti: Katarina Barruk. Bádden ja luođi mixeren: Arnljot Nordvik. Čuovgahábmen: Meri Ekola. Biktasat: Iida Ukkola. Giitu Suoma Kulturinstituhta Benelux, Beursschouwburg, Sámiráđđi, SSN- Suoma Sámi Nuorat ja Riddu Riđđu Festivála.

Bistin: 60 min.


Starting from Staring – Čalmmiid Čađa

In this place, in this state of being, with these people, today, now: “čalbmat” means starting to see. This trip starts from staring, from watching, from only watching. Then seeing without preconceptions, expectations or explanations, then meeting each other and with this place. Allowing the kinship to be enough. Allowing it to go through the eyes, into the guts, into the body.

A start without talking. The two of them
start by tearing the words apart. Words that one cannot trust, words that tend
to be only something black on white, a contract torn apart already in the

Landing somewhere else, starting all over
again, but with a glimpse of the past. Then hiding the traces, living in a soft
fight, missing a contract. Wandering around and round, from up to down, upside
down, outside and inside.
Then again leaving, moving along, landing.

Biret Haarla Pieski (Birit Haarla) and Gáddjá Haarla Pieski (Katja Haarla) are both dancers and performers from Ohcejohka, the Finnish side of Sápmi. They both have their education from the Finnish National Opera Ballet School and from P.A.R.T.S (Performing Arts Research and Training Studios) in Brussels and have created several collaborations together, for example with Pauliina Feodoroff and the performance Matriarchy and were nominated as Young Artists of the Year 2021 by Riddu Riđđu festival.

Concept & performance: Biret Haarla Pieski, Gáddjá Haarla Pieski. Dramaturgical assistance: Antoine Dupuy-Larbre. Sound: Nicholas Francett. Vocals: Katarina Barruk. Recording, mixing of vocals: Arnljot Nordvik. Light design: Meri Ekola. Costumes: Iida Ukkola. Supported by: Finnish Cultural Institute for the Benelux, Beursschouwburg, The Saami Council, SSN – Suoma Sámi Nuorat, Riddu Riđđu Festival.

Duration: 60 minutes