• Black Box teater
  • Ušllu Álbmotgaskasaš Teáhterriemut
  • 8–11 March 2023
  • Makka Kleist and Svenn B. Syrin
  • The Shaman & the Priest + The View
  • Friday 10, 17.00

Makka Kleist ja Svenn Syrin
Noaidi ja báhppa + Oainnus
Njukčamánu 10.b. tii. 17.00
Black Box teater, Lávddáš

Lea 25 minuvtta boddu daid guokte čájálmasa gaskkas.

Noaidi ja báhppa
Muhtun báikkis, áiggi ja saji duohken, deaivvada Dánska-norggalaš báhppa Hans Egede Ruonáeatnanlaš noiddiin Inuk. Lea dramahtalaš ja čuvgejeaddji deaivvadeapmi goabbatlágan máilmmiáddejumiin ja oaidninsajiin das, maid máksá leat olmmožin. Konseapttat ja semantihkat hástaluvvojit go dát guokte karakteara, mat ovddasteaba goabbatlágan oainnuid ja oskkuid čiekŋalabbot ságastallaba eallima, jápmima ja birgema. Sudno dialoga muittuha daid iešguđetlágan muitalusaid ja oskkuid man alde servvodagat leat huksejuvvon.

Čájálmas vuođđuduvvo Hans Egede beaivegirjjiid muitalusaid ja inuhka muitalusaid. Mii deaivvadit risttalašvuođa inuhka vuolggasajis. Mii deaivvadit báhpa ja su vuostehágu rumbbolávlumii ja inuhka oskui. Inuhka boagusta go báhppa ohpit ahte ohpit viggá čilget oskkus Attán ja Eva ja gearbmaša birra, ja mo olmmoš lea dubmejuvvon jus Ipmila ándagassiiaddojupmi ii ole su. Ja mii – geahččit – áddet man issoras dat suolavuohta lei mii gilddii inuhka namaid ja árbevieruid. Visot muitaluvvo bohkosin.

Čájálmassii gullet filbma, visuála installašuvnnat ja ođđaáigásaš musihkka, ja maiddái árbevirolaš jietnagovva divggaiguin ja čottalávlumiin.

Makka Kleist lea njunuš Kalaallit Nunaatlaš neavttár ja lávdeteakstačálli. Son lea neaktán miehta máilmmi ja lea bálkkašuvvon máŋgii guhkes ja erenoamáš nana karriearas. Svenn Syrin lea norgalaš, ja lea bargan sihke neavttárin, bagadallin ja teáhterhoavdan ovdalgo soai Makkain manaiga Kalaallit Nunaatii gos soai vuođđuduvvuiga Kalaalit Nunaata Našunála teáhtera ja dan skuvlla.

Bistin: 45 min. Gielat: Norwegian, Danish.

Giehtačálus: Makka Kleist. Neavttárat: Makka Kleist, Svenn B. Syrin. Bagadalli: Hanne Trap Friis. Lávdehábmen: Maya Sialuk Jacobsen. Jietna: Hans Ole Amossen. Čuovgahábmen: Morten Ladefoged. Filbma: Mikael Lind Jacobsen. Lávdebiktasat: Bibi Chemitz. Buvttadeapmi: Teater freezeProductions. Dorjon: Dánska kulturráđđi, Aarhus gielda, NAPA.

The View/Oainnus
The View lea Makka Kleist čállán, ja dan vuođđu leat persovnnalaš vásáhusat. Mii deaivvadit boares nissona gii muitala mii geavai go su bearaš fárrehuvvui boaittobealbáikkis muvrageardedállui gávpogis. Son muitala albmá birra gii fertii 16 beatnagiiddis goddit, ja makkár illu lea golgi čázi fidnet viesu sisa. Lea ealás muitalus mii oahpásmahttá min nanus olbmui.

60- ja 70-loguin mearridii Dánskka eiseválddit giddet dahje heaittihit báikkiid Ruonáeatnamis ja fárrehit olbmuid moadde stuorra gávpogiidda. Dát lei visot oassin Dánskalaš politihka mas vigge nuppástuhttit ja urbaniseret ruonáeatnanlaččaid. Eallin nuppástuvai, máŋgga bearraša sirrejuvvojedje, ja sin muitalusat vájalduvvojedje. The View lea nana, liegga ja njuorasmahtti čájálmas nissona ja su isida birra mat leaba bággejuvvon guođđit ruovttubáikkiska. Lea ráhkisvuođa, morraša ja doaivaga birra. Lea buorre borramuša váillaheami birra, ođđa árgabeaieallima birra, doalahit oaivvi sajis amas gáiggáska ja seammás doalahit maiddái kultuvrra.

Čájálmas addá smávvá gova Ruonáeatnan maŋimuš 50 jagi historjjás, Dánmárkku ja Ruonáeatnama gaskavuođa stuorát perspektiivvas, áddejumi dás mii lea dáhpáhuvvan máŋgga eamiálbmogiidda miehta máilmmis. The View vuođđu leat Ruonáeatnanlaš álbmoga persovnnalaš vásáhusat.

Bistin: 45 min. Gielat: English.

Giehtačálus, neavttár: Makka Kleist. Bagadalli: Hanne Trap Friis. Šuokŋadahkki: Hans Ole Amossen. Filbmabagadalli: Michael Lindskov Jacobsen. Filbma: Ànorâk Film. Buvttadeapmi: Teater freezeProductions. Dorjon: Dánmárkku kulturráđđi, Aarhus gielda, Nuuk Lokaludvalg, Den Grønlandske Fond.

Makka Kleist and Svenn Syrin
The Shaman & the Priest + The View
10 March / 17.00
Black Box teater, Lille scene

There will be a 25 minute intermission between the two shows.

The Shaman & the Priest
In a space, undefined by time and place, the Danish-Norwegian priest Hans Egede meets the Greenlandic shaman Inuk. A dramatic and enlightening meeting between two different worldviews and two perspectives on what it means to be human. Concepts and semantics are challenged when the two characters of such different beliefs and religions delve into discussions about life, death and survival. Their dialog reminds us of the different stories and beliefs upon which societies are built.

The performance is based on texts from Hans Egedes diaries and the histories of the Inuits. We meet Christianity from the point and narrative of the Inuit. The Priest and his opposition towards drum singing and towards Inuit belief. The laughter from the Inuit when he again and again tries to explain his belief about Adam and Eve and the Snake and how humanity is doomed if not forgiven by God. And we – the audience – understand the huge theft that was made by forbidding the Inuits names and traditions. All told in a tone of laughter.

The performance is supported by a gripping cinematic universe, visual installations and a modern musical soundtrack combined with the traditional sounds of bells and throat singing.

Makka Kleist is one of Greenland’s greatest actors and playwrights. She has played all over the world and received awards and honors throughout a long and impressive career. Svenn Syrin is originally from Norway, and has been both an actor, theater director and director before he and Makka went to Greenland where the two of them established Greenland’s National Theater and Greenland’s National Theater School.

Duration: 45 minutes. Language: Norwegian and Danish.

Manuscript: Makka Kleist. Actors: Makka Kleist, Svenn B. Syrin. Director: Hanne Trap Friis. Scenography: Maya Sialuk Jacobsen. Sound: Hans Ole Amossen. Light Design: Morten Ladefoged. Film: Mikael Lind Jacobsen. Costumes: Bibi Chemitz. Production: Teater freezeProductions. Supported by: The Danish Arts Council, Aarhus Kommune, NAPA.

The View
The View by Makka Kleist is a story based on personal experiences. We meet an elderly woman who tells the story of when her family was relocated from the rural area to the concrete building in the city. Of the man who had to kill his 16 dogs and of the joy of getting running water. It is told vividly, introducing us to a powerful human being.

In the 60’s and 70’s the Danish government decided to close settlements in Greenland and move people into fewer and bigger towns. All part of the Danish political efforts to transform and urbanize the Greenlandic people. Life changed dramatically and many families were split and their stories forgotten. The View is a strong, warm and very touching performance about a woman and her husband, being forced to leave their town. It is about love, grief and hope. It’s about the longing for good food, the new daily life, the struggle to maintain sanity and at the same time to keep your culture.

The performance gives an insight into the last 50 years of Greenlandic history, the relationship between Denmark and Greenland and in a greater perspective, an understanding of what has happened to many indigenous people around the world. The View is based on personal stories of the people of Greenland.

Duration: 45 minutes. Language: English.

Manuscript, actor: Makka Kleist. Director: Hanne Trap Friis. Composer: Hans Ole Amossen. Film editor: Michael Lindskov Jacobsen. Film credits: Ànorâk Film. Production: Teater freezeProductions. Supported by: The Danish Arts Council, Aarhus Kommune, Nuuk Lokaludvalg, Den Grønlandske Fond.