• Black Box teater
  • Ušllu Álbmotgaskasaš Teáhterriemut
  • 8–11 March 2023
  • Bures boahtin Ušllu Álbmotgaskasaš Teáhterriemuide 2023 / Welcome to Oslo Internasjonale Teaterfestival 2023
  • Juho-Sire / Siri Broch Johansen  
  • SOS – Teáhtralaš girjeálmmuheapmi – Theatrical Booklaunch
  • Wednesday 8, 17.00
  • Pauliina Feodoroff  
  • Matriarchy
  • Wednesday 8, 21.00
  • Biret & Gáddjá Haarla Pieski  
  • Čalmmiid Čađa – Starting from Staring
  • Thursday 9, 17.00
  • Laakkuluk Williamson Bathory, Cris Derksen, Christine Tootoo  
  • Ikumagialiit – Those that need fire
  • Thursday 9, 21.00
  • Makka Kleist and Svenn B. Syrin  
  • The Shaman & the Priest + The View
  • Friday 10, 17.00
  • Blodklubb
  • Friday 10, 21.00
  • Marita Isobel Solberg  
  • Leahkima lohtat / MANE MAN / MANE MANE
  • Saturday 11, 17.00
  • NORDTING – The Northern Assembly
  • Saturday 11, 21.00
  • Girjegávpi / Book Shop
  • Foajeaprográmma / Foyer program                
  • Wednesday 8, 14.00
  • Thursday 9, 14.00
  • Friday 10, 11.30
  • Saturday 11, 14.00
Wednesday 8.
Foajeaprográmma / Foyer program                
Black Box teater Foajé
Juho-Sire / Siri Broch Johansen
SOS – Teáhtralaš girjeálmmuheapmi – Theatrical Booklaunch
Lille scene
Pauliina Feodoroff
Store Scene
Thursday 9.
Foajeaprográmma / Foyer program                
Black Box teater Foajé
Biret & Gáddjá Haarla Pieski
Čalmmiid Čađa – Starting from Staring
Lille scene
Laakkuluk Williamson Bathory, Cris Derksen, Christine Tootoo
Ikumagialiit – Those that need fire
Store scene
Friday 10.
Foajeaprográmma / Foyer program                
Black Box teater Foajé
Makka Kleist and Svenn B. Syrin
The Shaman & the Priest + The View
Lille scene
Store scene
Saturday 11.
Foajeaprográmma / Foyer program                
Black Box teater Foajé
Marita Isobel Solberg
Leahkima lohtat / MANE MAN / MANE MANE
Lille scene
NORDTING – The Northern Assembly
Store scene

Ušllu Álbmotgaskasaš Teáhterriemut  leat leamaš Black Box teáhtera giđđaáigodaga váibmu 2013 rájes. 2023 ja 2024 festiválaid kuratereba Maria Utsi ja Camara Lundestad Joof.

Ušllu Álbmotgaskasaš Teáhterriemut (Oslo Internasjonale Teaterfestival) has been the pulsing heart of Black Box teater’s spring season since 2013. The festival for 2023 & 2024 is curated by Maria Utsi and Camara Lundestad Joof.


Pauliina Feodoroff
Satu Herrala
Outi Pieski
Eséte Eshetu Sutinen
Hanna Parry
Biret ja/and Gáddjá Haarla Pieski
Juho-Sire / Siri Broch Johansen 
Laakkuluk Williamson Bathory 
Cris Derksen
Christine Tootoo 
Makka Kleist 
Svenn B. Syrin
Ferske Scener
Sigbjørn Skåden
Bernt Bjørn
Kristin Bjørn
Kristina Junttila
Hilde Kristin Liu Skoglund
Ondt Blod
Marita Isobel Solberg
Amund Sjølie Sveen
Oslo Sámiid Duodji
HH Suersaq ja/and Kuka Fleischer
Anders Sunna
By The Collective
Timimie Märak
Liisa Ravna Finbog
Beaska Niillas


Bileahtaid / Tickets

Bileahtaid sáhtát oastit dás:
www.ticketmaster.no / +47 22 82 81 97, dahje teáhtera bileahttavuovdimis mii lea rabas juohke beaivve festiválaáigodagas tii. 14.00–22.00. Jus áiggut oastit bileahtaid joavkkuide,  váldde fal oktavuođa dás billettansvarlig@blackbox.no

Tickets can be purchased at: 
ticketmaster.no / +47 22 82 81 97, or in the theater box office that will be open every day during the festival from 14.00 to 22.00. Group bookings, contact us: billettansvarlig@blackbox.no

Bileahttahattit / Prices

Eaŋkilbileahtat: 250,–
Vuollil 25  jagi boaris: 100,–

Juho-Sire / Siri Broch Johansen: SOS
Bileahttahaddi: 350,–
(Bileahta fárus lea girji)

Single tickets: 250,–
Under 25 years old: 100,–

Except for
Juho-Sire / Siri Broch Johansen: SOS
Flat ticket price: 350,–
(Includes a copy of the book)

Nuvttá sisabeassan / Free entrance

Nuvttá sisabeassan buot dáhpáhusaide Black Box teáhtera kafeas/sisamannamis.

Free entrance for all events taking place in the foyer at Black Box teater. 

Kataloga ja prográmma / Catalog and program

Festivála kataloga ja prográmma lea fargga fáhtemis.

The festival catalog and program will be available soon.

Dieđut / Information

Festivála diehtojuohkin lea rabas juohke beaivve Black Box teáhtera foajeas olles festiválaáigodaga tii. 14.00–21.00.

The festival information desk is open every day at Black Box teater foyer during the festival from 14.00–21.00.

Čuovo fal festivála Facebookas

Please follow the festival on Facebook here



Teáhterhoavda / Artistic and General Director: Jørgen Knudsen
Hálddahushoavda / Head of Administration: Roger Karlsen
Buvttadushoavda / Head of Production: Karoline Bjune
Gulahallanhoavda / Head of Communication: Sara Wegge
Gaskkusteapmi / Mediation Manager, Topical Program: Anna Penkova
Buvttadan- ja hálddahusveahkki / Production and Administration Assistant: Ida Marie Sandvik
Bileahtat ja distribušuvdna / Ticket and distribution manager: Janne Mikkelsen
Grafihkalaš hábmejeaddji / Graphic Designer: Kristoffer Busch
Teknihkalaš hoavda / Head of Technical Department: Jean Vincent Kerebel
Jietnameašttir / Sound Manager: Morten Pettersen
Lávde- ja videoovddasvástideaddji / Stage and Video Manager: Agnar Ribe
Luođubargi teknihkkárat / Freelance technical department: Jonas, Dorian, Grimur, Ane, Sander, Ingmar, Trym, Woyzek, Guro & Co
Gehččiidbálvalushoavda / Front of house & Bar Manager: Morten Kippe
Gehččiidbálvalusbargit / Front of house & Bar Staff: Maren Serine Andersen, Grettir Einarsson, Grimur Einarsson, Elisabeth Carmen Gmeiner, Lærke Grøntved, Ida Holthe Lid, Janne Mikkelsen, Mohamed Abdirashid Mohamed, Jostein Patrick Steindal, Kjersti Aas Stenby, Viola Othilie Tømte
Festivála buvttadanveahkki / Festival production assistant: Peter Sørheim
Festivála gulahallanveahkki / Festival communication assistant: Risten West


Black Box teáhterii lea beassan juvlastuollogeavaheaddjiide. Jus olmmoš dárbbaša veahki,  de váldá oktavuođa minguin ovddalgihtii jogo telefovnna bokte dahje bileahttavuovdimis. Juohkehaš geas lea duođaštus ahte dárbbaša mieđušteaddji,oažžu nuvttá billeáhta mieđušteaddjái.

Black Box teater is accessible for users of wheelchairs. In need of assistance, please contact us in advance by phone or at the ticket desk. Anyone with a disability certificate will receive a free ticket for their companion at all our venues.

Oktavuohta / Contact
Sponsorat / Partners

Ušllu Álbmotgaskasaš Teáhterriemut / Oslo Internasjonale Teaterfestival is initiated by Black Box teater, which receives funding from the Norwegian Ministry of Culture and the City of Oslo.